Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.

Drush version 5 documentation. Documentation was created with latest source code from GitHub at Sun 13 Dec 2020 03:01:15 AM CET

Core drush commands

archive-dumpBackup your code, files, and database into a single file.
archive-restoreExpand a site archive into a Drupal web site.
cache-clearClear a specific cache, or all drupal caches.
cache-getFetch a cached object and display it.
cache-setCache an object expressed in JSON or var_export() format.
core-configEdit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.
core-cronRun all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.
core-executeExecute a shell command. Usually used with a site alias.
core-quick-drupalDownload, install, serve and login to Drupal with minimal configuration and dependencies.
core-requirementsProvides information about things that may be wrong in your Drupal installation, if any.
core-rsyncRsync the Drupal tree to/from another server using ssh.
core-statusProvides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal installation, if any.
core-topicRead detailed documentation on a given topic.
drupal-directoryReturn path to a given module/theme directory.
helpPrint this help message. See `drush help help` for more options.
image-flushFlush all derived images for a given style.
php-evalEvaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal (if available).
php-scriptRun php script(s).
queue-listReturns a list of all defined queues
queue-runRun a specific queue by name
search-indexIndex the remaining search items without wiping the index.
search-reindexForce the search index to be rebuilt.
search-statusShow how many items remain to be indexed out of the total.
self-updateCheck to see if there is a newer Drush release available.
shell-aliasPrint all known shell alias records.
site-aliasPrint site alias records for all known site aliases and local sites.
site-installInstall Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration using the specified install profile.
site-resetReset a persistently set site.
site-setSet a site alias to work on that will persist for the current session.
site-sshConnect to a Drupal site's server via SSH for an interactive session or to run a shell command
test-cleanClean temporary tables and files.
test-runRun tests. Note that you must use the --uri option.
updatedbApply any database updates required (as with running update.php).
usage-sendSend anonymous Drush usage information to statistics logging site. Usage statistics contain the Drush command name and the Drush option names, but no arguments or option values.
usage-showShow Drush usage information that has been logged but not sent. Usage statistics contain the Drush command name and the Drush option names, but no arguments or option values.
variable-deleteDelete a variable.
variable-getGet a list of some or all site variables and values.
variable-setSet a variable.
versionShow drush version.
watchdog-deleteDelete watchdog messages.
watchdog-listShow available message types and severity levels. A prompt will ask for a choice to show watchdog messages.
watchdog-showShow watchdog messages.

Runserver commands

runserverRuns a lightweight built in http server for development.

Field commands

field-cloneClone a field and all its instances.
field-createCreate fields and instances. Returns urls for field editing.
field-deleteDelete a field and its instances.
field-infoView information about fields, field_types, and widgets.
field-updateReturn URL for field editing web page.

Project manager commands

pm-disableDisable one or more extensions (modules or themes).
pm-downloadDownload projects from drupal.org or other sources.
pm-enableEnable one or more extensions (modules or themes).
pm-infoShow detailed info for one or more extensions (modules or themes).
pm-listShow a list of available extensions (modules and themes).
pm-refreshRefresh update status information.
pm-releasenotesPrint release notes for given projects.
pm-releasesPrint release information for given projects.
pm-uninstallUninstall one or more modules.
pm-updateUpdate Drupal core and contrib projects and apply any pending database updates (Same as pm-updatecode + updatedb).
pm-updatecodeUpdate Drupal core and contrib projects to latest recommended releases.

SQL commands

sql-cliOpen a SQL command-line interface using Drupal's credentials.
sql-connectA string for connecting to the DB.
sql-createCreate a database.
sql-dropDrop all tables in a given database.
sql-dumpExports the Drupal DB as SQL using mysqldump or equivalent.
sql-queryExecute a query against the site database.
sql-syncCopy and import source database to target database. Transfers via rsync.

User commands

user-add-roleAdd a role to the specified user accounts.
user-blockBlock the specified user(s).
user-cancelCancel a user account with the specified name.
user-createCreate a user account with the specified name.
user-informationPrint information about the specified user(s).
user-loginDisplay a one time login link for the given user account (defaults to uid 1).
user-password(Re)Set the password for the user account with the specified name.
user-remove-roleRemove a role from the specified user accounts.
user-unblockUnblock the specified user(s).

Other commands

makeTurns a makefile into a working Drupal codebase.
make-generateGenerate a makefile from the current Drupal site.

Global Options (see `drush topic core-global-options` for the full list)

-r <path>, --root=<path> Drupal root directory to use (default: current directory).
-l <http://example.com:8888>, --uri=<http://example.com:8888> URI of the drupal site to use (only needed in multisite environments or when running on an alternate port).
-v, --verbose Display extra information about the command.
-d, --debug Display even more information, including internal messages.
-y, --yes Assume 'yes' as answer to all prompts.
-n, --no Assume 'no' as answer to all prompts.
-s, --simulate Simulate all relevant actions (don't actually change the system).
-p, --pipe Emit a compact representation of the command for scripting.
-h, --help This help system.
--version Show drush version.
--php=</path/to/file> The absolute path to your PHP intepreter, if not 'php' in the path.
-ia, --interactive Force interactive mode for commands run on multiple targets (e.g. `drush @site1,@site2 cc --ia`).

Command detail

Backup your code, files, and database into a single file.

 drush archive-dump                        Write an archive containing 3 sites  
 default,example.com,foo.com               in it.                               
 drush archive-dump @sites                 Save archive containing all sites in 
                                           a multi-site.                        
 drush archive-dump default                Save archive to custom location.     
 drush archive-dump                        Omits any .git directories found in  
 --tar-options="--exclude=.git             the tree as well as                  
 --exclude=sites/default/files"            sites/default/files.                 
 drush archive-dump                        Placeholder %files is replaced with  
 --tar-options="--exclude=%files"          the real path for the current site,  
                                           and that path is excluded.           

 sites                                     Optional. Site specifications,       
                                           delimited by commas. Typically, list 
                                           subdirectory name(s) under /sites.   

 --description                             Describe the archive contents.       
 --destination                             The full path and filename in which  
                                           the archive should be stored. If     
                                           omitted, it will be saved to the     
                                           drush-backups directory and a        
                                           filename will be generated.          
 --generator                               The generator name to store in the   
                                           MANIFEST file. The default is "Drush 
 --generatorversion                        The generator version number to      
                                           store in the MANIFEST file. The      
                                           default is 5.12-dev.                 
 --no-core                                 Exclude Drupal core, so the backup   
                                           only contains the site specific      
 --overwrite                               Do not fail if the destination file  
                                           exists; overwrite it instead.        
 --pipe                                    Only print the destination of the    
                                           archive. Useful for scripts that     
                                           don't pass --destination.            
 --preserve-symlinks                       Preserve symbolic links.             
 --tags                                    Add tags to the archive manifest.    
                                           Delimit multiple by commas.          
 --tar-options                             Options passed thru to the tar       

Aliases: ard, archive-backup, arb
Expand a site archive into a Drupal web site.

 drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz    Restore the files and databases for  
                                           all sites in the archive.            
 drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz    Restore the files and database for   
 example.com                               example.com site.                    
 drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz    Restore archive to a custom          
 --destination=/var/www/example.com/docro  location.                            
 drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz    Restore archive to a new database    
 --db-url=mysql://root:pass@  (and customize settings.php to point 
 ame                                       there.).                             

 file                                      The site archive file that should be 
 site name                                 Optional. Which site within the      
                                           archive you want to restore.         
                                           Defaults to all.                     

 --db-prefix                               An optional table prefix to use      
                                           during restore.                      
 --db-su                                   Account to use when creating the new 
                                           database. Optional.                  
 --db-su-pw                                Password for the "db-su" account.    
 --db-url                                  A Drupal 6 style database URL        
                                           indicating the target for database   
                                           restore. If not provided, the        
                                           archived settings.php is used.       
 --destination                             Specify where the Drupal site should 
                                           be expanded, including the docroot.  
                                           Defaults to the current working      
 --overwrite                               Allow drush to overwrite any files   
                                           in the destination.                  

Aliases: arr
Clear a specific cache, or all drupal caches.

 type                                      The particular cache to clear. Omit 
                                           this argument to choose from        
                                           available caches.                   

Aliases: cc
Fetch a cached object and display it.

 drush cache-get schema                    Display the data for the cache id    
                                           "schema" from the "cache" bin.       
 drush cache-get                           Display the data for the cache id    
 update_available_releases update          "update_available_releases" from the 
                                           "update" bin.                        

 cid                                       The id of the object to fetch.   
 bin                                       Optional. The cache bin to fetch 

 --format                                  Format to output the object. Use    
                                           "print_r" for print_r (default),    
                                           "export" for var_export, and "json" 
                                           for JSON.                           

Aliases: cg
Cache an object expressed in JSON or var_export() format.

 cid                                       The id of the object to set.         
 data                                      The object to set in the cache. Use  
                                           '-' to read the object from STDIN.   
 bin                                       Optional. The cache bin to store the 
                                           object in.                           
 expire                                    Optional. CACHE_PERMANENT,           
                                           CACHE_TEMPORARY, or a Unix           

 --cache-get                               If the object is the result a        
                                           previous fetch from the cache, only  
                                           store the value in the "data"        
                                           property of the object in the cache. 
 --format                                  Format to parse the object. Use      
                                           "string" for string (default), and   
                                           "json" for JSON.                     

Aliases: cs
Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.

 drush core-config                         Pick from a list of                 
                                           config/alias/settings files. Open   
                                           selected in editor.                 
 drush --bg core-config                    Return to shell prompt as soon as   
                                           the editor window opens.            
 drush core-config etc                     Edit the global configuration file. 
 drush core-config demo.alia               Edit a particular alias file.       
 drush core-config sett                    Edit settings.php for the current   
                                           Drupal site.                        
 drush core-config --choice=2              Edit the second file in the choice  

 filter                                    A substring for filtering the list 
                                           of files. Omit this argument to    
                                           choose from loaded files.          

 --bg                                      Run editor in the background. Does 
                                           not work with editors such as `vi` 
                                           that run in the terminal.          

Aliases: conf, config
Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.

Aliases: cron
Execute a shell command. Usually used with a site alias.

 drush core-execute git pull origin  Retrieve latest code from git 

 command                                   The shell command to be executed. 

 --escaped                                 Command string already escaped; do  
                                           not add additional quoting.         
 --ssh-options                             A string of extra options that will 
                                           be passed to the ssh command (e.g.  
                                           "-p 100")                           
 --tty                                     Create a tty (e.g. to run an        
                                           interactive program).               

Aliases: exec, execute
Download, install, serve and login to Drupal with minimal configuration and

 drush qd                                  Download and install stable release  
                                           of Drupal into a timestamped         
                                           directory, start server, and open    
                                           the site logged in as admin.         
 drush qd --profile=minimal --dev --cache  Fire up dev release of Drupal site   
 --core=drupal-8.x --yes                   with minimal install profile.        
 drush qd testsite devel                   Fire up stable release (using the    
 --server=:8081/admin --browser=firefox    cache) of Drupal site called         
 --cache --yes                             "testsite", download and enable      
                                           devel module, start a server on port 
                                           8081 and open /admin in firefox.     
 drush qd commercesite                     Download and install the "Commerce   
 --core=commerce_kickstart                 Kickstart" distribution/install      
 --profile=commerce_kickstart --cache      profile, display watchdog messages   
 --yes --watchdog                          on the server console.               
 drush qd --makefile=mysite.make           Create and install a site from a     

 site                                      Short name for the site to be       
                                           created - used as a directory name  
                                           and as sqlite file name. Optional - 
                                           if omitted timestamped              
                                           "quick-drupal" directory will be    
                                           used instead.                       
 projects                                  A list of projects to download into 
                                           the new site. If projects contain   
                                           extensions (modules or themes) with 
                                           the same name they will be enabled  
                                           by default. See --enable option to  
                                           control this behaviour further.     

 --account-mail                            Site install option: uid1 email.     
                                           Defaults to admin@example.com        
 --account-name                            Site install option: uid1 name.      
                                           Defaults to admin                    
 --account-pass                            Site install option: uid1 pass.      
                                           Defaults to a randomly generated     
                                           password. If desired, set a fixed    
                                           password in drushrc.php.             
 --browser                                 Runserver option: If opening a web   
                                           browser, which browser to user       
                                           (defaults to operating system        
 --cache                                   Cache release XML and tarballs or    
                                           git clones. Git clones use git's     
                                           --reference option.                  
   --cache-duration-releasexml             Expire duration (in seconds) for     
                                           release XML. Defaults to 86400 (24   
 --clean-url                               Site install option: Defaults to 1   
 --core                                    Drupal core to download. Defaults to 
                                           "drupal" (latest stable version).    
 --db-prefix                               Site install option: An optional     
                                           table prefix to use for initial      
                                           install.  Can be a key-value array   
                                           of tables/prefixes in a drushrc file 
                                           (not the command line).              
 --db-su                                   Site install option: Account to use  
                                           when creating a new database. Must   
                                           have Grant permission (mysql only).  
 --db-su-pw                                Site install option: Password for    
                                           the "db-su" account. Optional.       
 --db-url                                  Site install option: A Drupal 6      
                                           style database URL. Only required    
                                           for initial install - not            
 --default-server                          Runserver option: A default          
                                           addr:port/path to use for any values 
                                           not specified as an argument.        
 --dev                                     Work with development releases       
 --dns                                     Runserver option: Resolve            
                                           hostnames/IPs using DNS/rDNS (if     
                                           possible) to determine binding IPs   
                                           and/or human friendly hostnames for  
                                           URLs and browser.                    
 --enable                                  Specific extensions (modules or      
                                           themes) to enable. By default,       
                                           extensions with the same name as     
                                           requested projects will be enabled   
 --locale                                  Site install option: A short         
                                           language code. Sets the default site 
                                           language. Language files must        
                                           already be present. You may use      
                                           download command to get them.        
 --makefile=[mysite.make]                  Makefile to use. Makefile must       
                                           specify which version of Drupal core 
                                           to build.                            
 --no-server                               Avoid starting runserver (and        
                                           browser) for the created Drupal      
 --notes                                   Download option: Show release notes  
                                           after each project is downloaded.    
 --php-cgi                                 Runserver option: Name of the        
                                           php-cgi binary. If it is not on your 
                                           current $PATH you should include the 
                                           full path. You can include command   
                                           line parameters to pass into         
 --pipe                                    Download option: Returns a list of   
                                           the names of the extensions (modules 
                                           and themes) contained in the         
                                           downloaded projects.                 
 --profile                                 The install profile to use. Defaults 
                                           to standard.                         
 --root=[/path/to/root]                    Path to Drupal root.                 
 --select                                  Download option: Select the version  
                                           to download interactively from a     
                                           list of available releases.          
   --all                                   Shows all available releases instead 
                                           of a short list of recent releases.  
 --server                                  Runserver option: Which http server  
                                           to use - either: "cgi" for a CGI     
                                           based httpserver (default, requires  
                                           php 5.3 and php-cgi binary) or       
                                           "builtin" for php 5.4 built in http  
 --site-mail                               Site install option: From: for       
                                           system mailings. Defaults to         
 --site-name                               Site install option: Defaults to     
 --skip                                    Download option: Skip automatic      
                                           downloading of libraries (c.f.       
 --source                                  The base URL which provides project  
                                           release history in XML. Defaults to  
 --use-existing                            Use an existing Drupal root,         
                                           specified with --root. Overrides     
 --variables                               Runserver option: Key-value array of 
                                           variables to override in the $conf   
                                           array for the running site. By       
                                           default disables                     
                                           drupal_http_request_fails to avoid   
                                           errors on Windows (which supports    
                                           only one connection at a time).      
                                           Comma delimited list of name=value   
                                           pairs (or array in drushrc).         
 --variant                                 Download option: Only useful for     
                                           install profiles. Possible values:   
                                           'full', 'projects', 'profile-only'.  
 --package-handler=wget                    Default package_handler engine.      
                                           Download project packages using wget 
                                           or curl.                             
 --package-handler=git_drupalorg           Use git.drupal.org to checkout and   
                                           update projects.                     
   --gitusername                           Your git username as shown on        
                                           user/[uid]/edit/git. Typically, this 
                                           is set this in drushrc.php. Omitting 
                                           this prevents users from pushing     
                                           changes back to git.drupal.org.      
   --gitsubmodule                          Use git submodules for checking out  
                                           new projects. Existing git checkouts 
                                           are unaffected, and will continue to 
                                           (not) use submodules regardless of   
                                           this setting.                        
     --gitsubmoduleaddparams               Add options to the `git submodule    
                                           add` command.                        
   --gitcheckoutparams                     Add options to the `git checkout`    
   --gitcloneparams                        Add options to the `git clone`       
   --gitfetchparams                        Add options to the `git fetch`       
   --gitpullparams                         Add options to the `git pull`        
   --gitinfofile                           Inject version info into each .info  
 --version-control=bzr                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Bazaar.           
   --bzrsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           Bazaar repository and remove deleted 
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --bzrcommit                             Automatically commit changes to      
                                           Bazaar repository. You must also use 
                                           the --bzrsync option.                
     --bzrmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit.    
                                           Project   Command:              
 --version-control=svn                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Subversion.       
   --svnsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           SVN repository and remove deleted    
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --svncommit                             Automatically commit changes to SVN  
                                           repository. You must also using the  
                                           --svnsync option.                    
     --svnmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit:    
   --svnstatusparams                       Add options to the 'svn status'      
   --svnaddparams                          Add options to the `svn add` command 
   --svnremoveparams                       Add options to the `svn remove`      
   --svnrevertparams                       Add options to the `svn revert`      
   --svncommitparams                       Add options to the `svn commit`      
 --version-control=backup                  Default version_control engine.      
                                           Backup all project files before      
   --no-backup                             Do not perform backups.              
   --backup-dir                            Specify a directory to backup        
                                           projects into. Defaults to           
                                           drush-backups within the home        
                                           directory of the user running the    
                                           command. It is forbidden to specify  
                                           a directory inside your drupal root. 

Aliases: qd
Provides information about things that may be wrong in your Drupal installation,
if any.

 drush core-requirements                   Show all status lines from the       
                                           Status Report admin page.            
 drush core-requirements --severity=2      Show only the red lines from the     
                                           Status Report admin page.            
 drush core-requirements --pipe            Print out a short report in the      
                                           format "identifier: severity", where 
                                           severity 2=error, 1=warning, and     

 --ignore                                  Comma-separated list of requirements 
                                           to remove from output. Run with      
                                           --pipe to see key values to use.     
 --severity=<3>                            Only show status report messages     
                                           with a severity greater than or      
                                           equal to the specified value.        

Aliases: status-report, rq
Rsync the Drupal tree to/from another server using ssh.

 drush rsync @dev @stage                   Rsync Drupal root from Drush alias   
                                           dev to the alias stage (one of which 
                                           must be local).                      
 drush rsync ./ @stage:%files/img          Rsync all files in the current       
                                           directory to the 'img' directory in  
                                           the file storage folder on the Drush 
                                           alias stage.                         
 drush -s rsync @dev @stage                Simulate Rsync Drupal root from the  
 --exclude=*.sql --delete                  Drush alias dev to the alias stage   
                                           (one of which must be local),        
                                           excluding all files that match the   
                                           filter '*.sql' and delete all files  
                                           on the destination that are no       
                                           longer on the source.                

 source                                    May be rsync path or site alias. See 
                                           rsync documentation and              
 destination                               May be rsync path or site alias. See 
                                           rsync documentation and              

 --exclude-conf                            Excludes settings.php from being     
                                           rsynced.  Default.                   
 --exclude-files                           Exclude the files directory.         
 --exclude-other-sites                     Exclude all directories in "sites/"  
                                           except for "sites/all" and the site  
                                           directory for the site being synced. 
                                            Note: if the site directory is      
                                           different between the source and     
                                           destination, use --exclude-sites     
                                           followed by "drush rsync @from:%site 
 --exclude-paths                           List of paths to exclude, seperated  
                                           by : (Unix-based systems) or ;       
 --exclude-sites                           Exclude all directories in "sites/"  
                                           except for "sites/all".              
 --include-conf                            Allow settings.php to be rsynced.    
                                           Default is to exclude settings.php.  
 --include-paths                           List of paths to include, seperated  
                                           by : (Unix-based systems) or ;       
 --include-vcs                             Include special version control      
                                           directories (e.g. .svn).  Default is 
                                           to exclude vcs files.                
 --mode                                    The unary flags to pass to rsync;    
                                           --mode=rultz implies rsync -rultz.   
                                           Default is -akz.                     
 --{rsync-option-name}                     Replace {rsync-option-name} with the 
                                           rsync option (or option='value')     
                                           that you would like to pass through  
                                           to rsync. Examples include --delete, 
                                           --exclude=*.sql, --filter='merge     
                                           /etc/rsync/default.rules', etc. See  
                                           the rsync documentation for a        
                                           complete explaination of all the     
                                           rsync options and values.            

Aliases: rsync
Provides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal installation, if any.

 drush core-status version                 Show all status lines that contain  
                                           version information.                
 drush core-status --pipe                  A list key=value items separated by 
                                           line breaks.                        
 drush core-status drush-version --pipe    Emit just the drush version with no 

 item                                      Optional.  The status item line(s) 
                                           to display.                        

 --full                                    Show all drush aliases in the       
                                           report, even if there are a lot.    
 --project=                       One or more projects that should be 
                                           added to the path list              
 --show-passwords                          Show database password.             

Aliases: status, st
Read detailed documentation on a given topic.

 drush topic                               Show all available topics.       
 drush topic docs-context                  Show documentation for the drush 
                                           context API                      
 drush docs-context                        Show documentation for the drush 
                                           context API                      

 topic name                                The name of the topic you wish to 
                                           view. If omitted, list all topic  
                                           descriptions (and names in        

Aliases: topic
Return the filesystem path for modules/themes and other key folders.

 cd `drush dd devel`                       Navigate into the devel module      
 cd `drush dd`                             Navigate to the root of your Drupal 
 cd `drush dd files`                       Navigate to the files directory.    
 drush dd @alias:%files                    Print the path to the files         
                                           directory on the site @alias.       
 edit `drush dd devel`/devel.module        Open devel module in your editor    
                                           (customize 'edit' for your editor)  

 target                                    A module/theme name, or special      
                                           names like root, files, private, or  
                                           an alias : path alias string such as 
                                           @alias:%files. Defaults to root.     

 --component                               The portion of the evaluated path to 
                                           return.  Defaults to 'path'; 'name'  
                                           returns the site alias of the        
 --local                                   Reject any target that specifies a   
                                           remote site.                         

Aliases: dd
Drush provides an extensive help system that describes both drush commands and
topics of general interest.  Use `drush help --filter` to present a list of
command categories to view, and `drush topic` for a list of topics that go more
in-depth on how to use and extend drush.

 drush                                     List all commands.                 
 drush --filter=devel_generate             Show only commands defined in      
 drush help pm-download                    Show help for one command.         
 drush help dl                             Show help for one command using an 

 command                                   A command name, or command alias. 

 --filter=[category]                       Restrict command list to those       
                                           commands defined in the specified    
                                           file. Omit value to choose from a    
                                           list of names.                       
 --format                                  Format to output . Allowed values    
                                           are: json, export, html.             
 --html                                    Print help for all commands in HTML  
                                           format. Deprecated - see --format    
 --pipe                                    A list of available commands, one    
                                           per line.                            
 --sort                                    Sort commands in alphabetical order. 
                                           drush waits for full bootstrap       
                                           before printing any commands when    
                                           this option is used.                 

Flush all derived images for a given style.

 drush image-flush                         Pick an image style and then delete 
                                           its images.                         
 drush image-flush thumbnail               Delete all thumbnail images.        
 drush image-flush --all                   Flush all derived images. They will 
                                           be regenerated on the fly.          

 style                                     An image style machine name. If not 
                                           provided, user may choose from a    
                                           list of names.                      

 --all                                     Flush all derived images 

Evaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal (if available).

 drush php-eval "variable_set('hello',  Sets the hello variable using Drupal 
 'world');"                             API.                                 

 code                                      PHP code 

Aliases: eval, ev
Runs the given php script(s) after a full Drupal bootstrap. A useful alternative
to eval command when your php is lengthy or you can't be bothered to figure out
bash quoting. If you plan to share a script with others, consider making a full
drush command instead, since that's more self-documenting.  Drush provides
commandline options to the script via drush_get_option('option-name'), and
commandline arguments can be accessed either via drush_get_arguments(), which
returns all arguments in an array, or drush_shift(), which removes the next
argument from the list and returns it.

 drush php-script scratch                  Run scratch.php script. See         
                                           commands/core directory.            
 drush php-script example                  Run script from specified paths     
 drush php-script                          List all available scripts.         
 #!/usr/bin/env drush                      Execute php code with a full Drupal 
                  Additional paths to search for      
                                           scripts, separated by : (Unix-based 
                                           systems) or ; (Windows).            

Aliases: scr
Returns a list of all defined queues

 --pipe                                    Return a comma delimited list of 

Run Drupal queue workers. As opposed to "drush cron" that can only be run one at
a time on a single site, "drush queue-run" can be invoked as many times as the
server load allows.

 queue_name                                The name of the queue to run, as     
                                           defined in either hook_queue_info or 

Index the remaining search items without wiping the index.

Force the search index to be rebuilt.

 --immediate                               Rebuild the index immediately, 
                                           instead of waiting for cron.   

Show how many items remain to be indexed out of the total.

 --pipe                                    Display in the format             
                                           remaining/total for processing by 

Check to see if there is a newer Drush release available.

Aliases: selfupdate
Print a shell alias record.

 drush shell-alias                         List all alias records known to    
 drush shell-alias pull                    Print the value of the shell alias 

 alias                                     Shell alias to print 

Aliases: sha
Print an alias record.

 drush site-alias                          List all alias records known to     
 drush site-alias @dev                     Print an alias record for the alias 

 site                                      Site specification to print 

 --alias-name                              For a single alias, set the name to  
                                           use in the output.                   
 --component                               Print only the specified element     
                                           from the full alias record.          
 --full                                    Print the full alias record for each 
                                           site.  Default when aliases are      
                                           specified on the command line.       
 --local                                   Only display sites that are          
                                           available on the local system        
                                           (remote-site not set, and Drupal     
                                           root exists).                        
 --no-db                                   Do not include the database record   
                                           in the full alias record (default).  
 --pipe                                    Print the long-form site             
                                           specification for each site.         
 --short                                   Print only the site alias name.      
                                           Default when no command line         
                                           arguments are specified.             
 --table                                   Display the alias name, root, uri    
                                           and host in a table.                 
 --with-db                                 Include the databases structure in   
                                           the full alias record.               
 --with-db-url                             Include the short-form db-url in the 
                                           full alias record.                   
 --with-optional                           Include optional default items.      

Aliases: sa
Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration using the specified
install profile.

 drush site-install expert --locale=uk     (Re)install using the expert install 
                                           profile. Set default language to     
 drush site-install                        Install using the specified DB       
 --db-url=mysql://root:pass@localhost:por  params.                              
 drush site-install                        Install using SQLite (D7+ only).     
 drush site-install --account-name=joe     Re-install with specified uid1       
 --account-pass=mom                        credentials.                         
 drush site-install standard               Pass additional arguments to the     
 install_configure_form.site_default_coun  profile (D7 example shown here - for 
 try=FR                                    D6, omit the form id).               
 drush site-install                        Disable email notification during    
 install_configure_form.update_status_mod  install and later. If your server    
 ule='array(FALSE,FALSE)'                  has no smtp, this gets rid of an     
                                           error during install.                

 profile                                   the install profile you wish to run. 
                                           defaults to 'default' in D6,         
                                           'standard' in D7+                    
 key=value...                              any additional settings you wish to  
                                           pass to the profile. Fully supported 
                                           on D7+, partially supported on D6    
                                           (single step configure forms only).  
                                           The key is in the form [form         
                                           name].[parameter name] on D7 or just 
                                           [parameter name] on D6.              

 --account-mail                            uid1 email. Defaults to              
 --account-name                            uid1 name. Defaults to admin         
 --account-pass                            uid1 pass. Defaults to a randomly    
                                           generated password. If desired, set  
                                           a fixed password in drushrc.php.     
 --clean-url                               Defaults to 1                        
 --db-prefix                               An optional table prefix to use for  
                                           initial install.  Can be a key-value 
                                           array of tables/prefixes in a        
                                           drushrc file (not the command line). 
 --db-su=                            Account to use when creating a new   
                                           database. Must have Grant permission 
                                           (mysql only). Optional.              
 --db-su-pw=                         Password for the "db-su" account.    
 --db-url=                                         required for initial install - not   
 --locale=                          A short language code. Sets the      
                                           default site language. Language      
                                           files must already be present. You   
                                           may use download command to get      
 --site-mail                               From: for system mailings. Defaults  
                                           to admin@example.com                 
 --site-name                               Defaults to Site-Install             
 --sites-subdir=           Name of directory under 'sites'      
                                           which should be created. Only needed 
                                           when the subdirectory does not       
                                           already exist. Defaults to 'default' 

Aliases: si
Reset a persistently set site.

Set a site alias to work on that will persist for the current session.

 drush site-set @dev                       Set the current session to use the 
                                           @dev alias.                        
 drush site-set                            Set the current session to use a   
 user@server/path/to/drupal#sitename       site specification.                
 drush site-set -                          Go back to the previously-set site 
                                           (like `cd -`).                     

 site                                      Site specification to use, or "-" 
                                           for previous site.                

Aliases: use
Connect to a Drupal site's server via SSH for an interactive session or to run a
shell command

 drush @mysite ssh                         Open an interactive shell on       
                                           @mysite's server.                  
 drush @prod ssh 'ls /tmp'                 Run "ls /tmp" on @prod site. If    
                                           @prod is a site list, then ls will 
                                           be executed on each site.          

 bash                                      Bash to execute on target. Optional, 
                                           except when site-alias is a list.    

 --escaped                                 Command string already escaped; do  
                                           not add additional quoting.         
 --ssh-options                             A string of extra options that will 
                                           be passed to the ssh command (e.g.  
                                           "-p 100")                           
 --tty                                     Create a tty (e.g. to run an        
                                           interactive program).               

Aliases: ssh
Clean temporary tables and files.

Run tests. Note that you must use the --uri option.

 test-run                                  List all available classes and      
 sudo -u apache test-run --all             Run all available tests. Avoid      
                                           permission related failures by      
                                           running as web server user.         
 test-run XMLRPCBasicTestCase              Run one test class.                 
 test-run XML-RPC                          Run all classes in a XML-RPC group. 
 test-run XML-RPC,Filter                   Run all tests from multiple         
 test-run XMLRPCBasicTestCase              Run particular methods in the       
 --methods="testListMethods,               specified class or group.           

 targets                                   A test class, a test group. If      
                                           omitted, a list of test classes and 
                                           test groups is presented. Delimit   
                                           multiple targets using commas.      

 --all                                     Run all available tests              
 --dirty                                   Skip cleanup of temporary tables and 
                                           files. Helpful for reading debug()   
                                           messages and other post-mortem       
 --methods                                 A comma delimited list of methods    
                                           that should be run within the test   
                                           class. Defaults to all methods.      
 --xml                                     Output verbose test results to a     
                                           specified directory using the JUnit  
                                           test reporting format. Useful for    
                                           integrating with Jenkins.            

Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php).

Aliases: updb
Send anonymous Drush usage information to statistics logging site.  Usage
statistics contain the Drush command name and the Drush option names, but no
arguments or option values.

 drush usage-send                          Immediately send cached usage       
 $options['drush_usage_send']  = TRUE;     Specify in a .drushrc.php file that 
                                           usage information should be sent.   
 $options['drush_usage_size']  = 10240;    Specify the frequency (file size)   
                                           that usage information should be    

Aliases: usend
Show Drush usage information that has been logged but not sent.  Usage
statistics contain the Drush command name and the Drush option names, but no
arguments or option values.

 drush usage-show                          Show cached usage statistics.       
 $options['drush_usage_log']  = TRUE;      Specify in a .drushrc.php file that 
                                           usage information should be logged  
                                           locally in a usage statistics file. 

Aliases: ushow
Delete a variable.

 drush vdel user_pictures                  Delete the user_pictures variable.   
 drush vdel u                              Choose from a list of variables      
                                           beginning with "u" to delete.        
 drush vdel -y --exact maintenance_mode    Bring the site back online, skipping 
                                           confirmation. Variable is rewritten  
                                           to site_offline for Drupal 6.        

 name                                      The name of a variable or the first 
                                           few letters of its name.            

 --exact                                   Only delete the one variable that   
                                           exactly matches the specified name. 
 --yes                                     Skip confirmation if only one       
                                           variable name matches.              

Aliases: vdel
Get a list of some or all site variables and values.

 drush vget                                List all variables and values.       
 drush vget user                           List all variables containing the    
                                           string "user".                       
 drush vget site_mail --exact              Show the variable with the exact key 

 name                                      A string to filter the variables by. 
                                           Variables whose name contains the    
                                           string will be listed.               

 --exact                                   Only get the one variable that      
                                           exactly matches the specified name. 
 --format=                         Format to output the object. Use    
                                           "print_r" for print_r (default),    
                                           "export" for var_export, and "json" 
                                           for JSON.                           
 --pipe                                    A synonym for --format=export.      
                                           Useful for pasting into code.       

Aliases: vget
Set a variable.

 drush vset --yes preprocess_css TRUE      Set the preprocess_css variable to  
                                           true. Skip confirmation if variable 
                                           already exists.                     
 drush vset --exact maintenance_mode 1     Take the site offline; skips        
                                           confirmation even if                
                                           maintenance_mode variable does not  
                                           exist. Variable is rewritten to     
                                           site_offline for Drupal 6.          
 drush vset pr TRUE                        Choose from a list of variables     
                                           beginning with "pr" to set to       
 php -r "print                             Set a variable to a complex value   
 json_encode(array('drupal',               (e.g. array)                        
 'simpletest'));"  | drush vset                                                

 name                                      The name of a variable or the first  
                                           few letters of its name.             
 value                                     The value to assign to the variable. 
                                           Use '-' to read the object from      

 --exact                                   The exact name of the variable to    
                                           set has been provided; do not prompt 
                                           for similarly-named variables.       
 --format=                        Format to parse the object. Use      
                                           "auto" to detect format from value   
                                           (default), "string", "integer" or    
                                           "boolean" for corresponding          
                                           primitive type, and "json" for JSON. 
 --yes                                     Skip confirmation if only one        
                                           variable name matches.               

Aliases: vset
Show drush version.

 --pipe                                    Print just the version number, and 
                                           nothing else.                      
 --self-update                             Check for pending updates to Drush 
                                           itself. Set to 0 to disable.       

Delete watchdog messages. Arguments or options must be provided to specify which
messages to delete.

 drush watchdog-delete all                 Delete all messages.                
 drush watchdog-delete 64                  Delete messages with id 64.         
 drush watchdog-delete "cron run           Delete messages containing the      
 succesful"                                string "cron run succesful".        
 drush watchdog-delete --severity=notice   Delete all messages with a severity 
                                           of notice.                          
 drush watchdog-delete --type=cron         Delete all messages of type cron.   

 --severity                                Delete messages of a given severity 
 --type                                    Delete messages of a given type.    

Aliases: wd-del, wd-delete
Show available message types and severity levels. A prompt will ask for a choice
to show watchdog messages.

Aliases: wd-list
Show watchdog messages. Arguments and options can be combined to configure which
messages to show.

 drush watchdog-show                       Show a listing of most recent 10     
 drush watchdog-show 64                    Show in detail message with id 64.   
 drush watchdog-show "cron run succesful"  Show a listing of most recent 10     
                                           messages containing the string "cron 
                                           run succesful".                      
 drush watchdog-show --count=46            Show a listing of most recent 46     
 drush watchdog-show --severity=notice     Show a listing of most recent 10     
                                           messages with a severity of notice.  
 drush watchdog-show --type=php            Show a listing of most recent 10     
                                           messages of type php.                
 drush watchdog-show --tail --full         Show a listing of most recent 10     
                                           messages with extended information   
                                           about each one and continue showing  
                                           messages as they are registered in   
                                           the watchdog.                        
 drush watchdog-show --tail                Do a tail of the watchdog with a     
 --sleep-delay=2                           delay of two seconds between each    
                                           poll to the database.                

 wid                                       Optional id of a watchdog message to 
                                           show in detail. If not provided, a   
                                           listing of most recent 10 messages   
                                           will be displayed. Alternatively if  
                                           a string is provided, watchdog       
                                           messages will be filtered by it.     

 --count                                   The number of messages to show.      
                                           Defaults to 10.                      
 --full                                    Return extended information about    
                                           each message                         
 --severity                                Restrict to messages of a given      
                                           severity level.                      
 --sleep-delay                             To be used in conjunction with       
                                           --tail. This is the number of        
                                           seconds to wait between each poll to 
                                           the database. Delay is 1 second by   
 --tail                                    Continuously show new watchdog       
                                           messages until interrupted.          
 --type                                    Restrict to messages of a given      

Aliases: wd-show, ws
Runs a lightweight built in http server for development.
 - Don't use this for production, it is neither scalable nor secure for this
 - If you run multiple servers simultaneously, you will need to assign each a
unique port.
 - Use Ctrl-C or equivalent to stop the server when complete.

 drush rs 8080                             Start runserver on, port   
 drush rs                     Start runserver on, port   
 drush rs --php-cgi=php5-cgi --dns         Start runserver on localhost (using  
 localhost:8888/user                       rDNS to determine binding IP), port  
                                           8888, and open /user in browser. Use 
                                           "php5-cgi" as the php-cgi binary.    
 drush rs /                                Start runserver on default IP/port   
                                           (, port 8888), and open /   
                                           in browser.                          
 drush rs                                  Use a default (would be specified in 
 --default-server= -        your drushrc) that starts runserver  
                                           on port 8080, and opens a browser to 
                                           the front page. Set path to a single 
                                           hyphen path in argument to prevent   
                                           opening browser for this session.    
 drush rs --server=builtin :9000/admin     Start builtin php 5.4 runserver on   
                                 , port 9000, and open       
                                           /admin in browser. Note that you     
                                           need a colon when you specify port   
                                           and path, but no IP.                 

 addr:port/path                            Host IP address and port number to   
                                           bind to and path to open in web      
                                           browser. Format is addr:port/path,   
                                           default, all elements 
                                           optional. See examples for           

 --browser                                 If opening a web browser, which      
                                           browser to user (defaults to         
                                           operating system default).           
 --default-server                          A default addr:port/path to use for  
                                           any values not specified as an       
 --dns                                     Resolve hostnames/IPs using DNS/rDNS 
                                           (if possible) to determine binding   
                                           IPs and/or human friendly hostnames  
                                           for URLs and browser.                
 --php-cgi                                 Name of the php-cgi binary. If it is 
                                           not on your current $PATH you should 
                                           include the full path. You can       
                                           include command line parameters to   
                                           pass into php-cgi.                   
 --server                                  Which http server to use - either:   
                                           "cgi" for a CGI based httpserver     
                                           (default, requires php 5.3 and       
                                           php-cgi binary) or "builtin" for php 
                                           5.4 built in http server.            
 --user                                    If opening a web browser,            
                                           automatically log in as this user    
                                           (user ID or username).               
 --variables                               Key-value array of variables to      
                                           override in the $conf array for the  
                                           running site. By default disables    
                                           drupal_http_request_fails to avoid   
                                           errors on Windows (which supports    
                                           only one connection at a time).      
                                           Comma delimited list of name=value   
                                           pairs (or array in drushrc).         

Aliases: rs
Clone a field and all its instances.

 field-clone tags labels                   Copy 'tags' field into a new field   
                                           'labels' field which has same        
 open `field-clone tags labels`            Clone field and then open field edit 
                                           forms for refinement.                

 source_field_name                         Name of field that will be cloned 
 target_field_name                         Name of new, cloned field.        

Create fields and instances. Returns urls for field editing.

 drush field-create article                Define new article fields via        
                                           interactive prompts.                 
 open `drush field-create article`         Define new article fields and then   
                                           open field edit form for refinement. 
 drush field-create article                Create two new fields.               

 bundle                                    Content type (for nodes). Name of   
                                           bundle to attach fields to.         
 field_spec                                Comma delimited triple in the form: 
                                           If widget_name is omitted, the      
                                           default widget will be used.        
                                           Separate multiple fields by space.  
                                           If omitted, a wizard will prompt    

 --entity_type                             Type of entity (e.g. node, user, 
                                           comment). Defaults to node.      

Delete a field and its instances.

 field-delete city                         Delete the city field and any   
                                           instances it might have.        
 field-delete city --bundle=article        Delete the city instance on the 
                                           article bundle                  

 field_name                                Name of field to delete. 

 --bundle                                  Only delete the instance attached to 
                                           this bundle. If omitted, admin can   
                                           choose to delete one instance or     
                                           whole field.                         
 --entity_type                             Disambiguate a particular bundle     
                                           from identically named bundles.      
                                           Usually not needed.                  

View information about fields, field_types, and widgets.

 field-info types                          Show a table which lists all field 
                                           types and their available widgets  

 type                                      Recognized values: fields, types. If 
                                           omitted, a choice list appears.      

 --pipe                                    Return field information table as 

Return URL for field editing web page.

 field-update comment_body                 Quickly navigate to a field edit web 

 field_name                                Name of field that needs updating. 

Disable one or more extensions (modules or themes). Disable dependant extensions
as well.

 extensions                                A list of modules or themes. You can 
                                           use the * wildcard at the end of     
                                           extension names to disable multiple  

Aliases: dis
Download Drupal core or projects from drupal.org (Drupal core, modules, themes
or profiles) and other sources. It will automatically figure out which project
version you want based on its recommended release, or you may specify a
particular version.

If no --destination is provided, then destination depends on the project type:
  - Profiles will be downloaded to profiles/ in your Drupal root.
  - Modules and themes will be downloaded to the site specific directory
(sites/example.com/modules|themes) if available, or to sites/all/modules|themes.
  - If you're downloading drupal core or you are not running the command within
a bootstrapped drupal site, the default location is the current directory.
  - Drush commands will be relocated to /usr/share/drush/commands (if available)
or ~/.drush. Relocation is determined once the project is downloaded by
examining its content. Note you can provide your own function in a commandfile
to determine the relocation of any project.

 drush dl drupal                           Download latest recommended release  
                                           of Drupal core.                      
 drush dl drupal-7.x                       Download latest 7.x development      
                                           version of Drupal core.              
 drush dl drupal-6                         Download latest recommended release  
                                           of Drupal 6.x.                       
 drush dl cck zen                          Download latest versions of CCK and  
                                           Zen projects.                        
 drush dl og-1.3                           Download a specfic version of        
                                           Organic groups module for my version 
                                           of Drupal.                           
 drush dl diff-6.x-2.x                     Download a specific development      
                                           branch of diff module for a specific 
                                           Drupal version.                      
 drush dl views --select                   Show a list of recent releases of    
                                           the views project, prompt for which  
                                           one to download.                     
 drush dl webform --dev                    Download the latest dev release of   
 drush dl webform --cache                  Download webform. Fetch and populate 
                                           the download cache as needed.        

 projects                                  A comma delimited list of drupal.org 
                                           project names, with optional         
                                           version. Defaults to 'drupal'        

 --cache                                   Cache release XML and tarballs or    
                                           git clones. Git clones use git's     
                                           --reference option.                  
   --cache-duration-releasexml             Expire duration (in seconds) for     
                                           release XML. Defaults to 86400 (24   
 --default-major=<6>                       Specify the default major version of 
                                           modules to download when there is no 
                                           bootstrapped Drupal site.  Defaults  
                                           to "7".                              
 --destination=                      Path to which the project will be    
                                           copied. If you're providing a        
                                           relative path, note it is relative   
                                           to the drupal root (if               
 --dev                                     Work with development releases       
 --drupal-project-rename                   Alternate name for "drupal-x.y"      
                                           directory when downloading Drupal    
                                           project. Defaults to "drupal".       
 --notes                                   Show release notes after each        
                                           project is downloaded.               
 --pipe                                    Returns a list of the names of the   
                                           extensions (modules and themes)      
                                           contained in the downloaded          
 --select                                  Select the version to download       
                                           interactively from a list of         
                                           available releases.                  
   --all                                   Shows all available releases instead 
                                           of a short list of recent releases.  
 --skip                                    Skip automatic downloading of        
                                           libraries (c.f. devel).              
 --source                                  The base URL which provides project  
                                           release history in XML. Defaults to  
 --use-site-dir                            Force to use the site specific       
                                           directory. It will create the        
                                           directory if it doesn't exist. If    
                                           --destination is also present this   
                                           option will be ignored.              
 --variant=                          Only useful for install profiles.    
                                           Possible values: 'full', 'projects', 
 --package-handler=wget                    Default package_handler engine.      
                                           Download project packages using wget 
                                           or curl.                             
 --package-handler=git_drupalorg           Use git.drupal.org to checkout and   
                                           update projects.                     
   --gitusername                           Your git username as shown on        
                                           user/[uid]/edit/git. Typically, this 
                                           is set this in drushrc.php. Omitting 
                                           this prevents users from pushing     
                                           changes back to git.drupal.org.      
   --gitsubmodule                          Use git submodules for checking out  
                                           new projects. Existing git checkouts 
                                           are unaffected, and will continue to 
                                           (not) use submodules regardless of   
                                           this setting.                        
     --gitsubmoduleaddparams               Add options to the `git submodule    
                                           add` command.                        
   --gitcheckoutparams                     Add options to the `git checkout`    
   --gitcloneparams                        Add options to the `git clone`       
   --gitfetchparams                        Add options to the `git fetch`       
   --gitpullparams                         Add options to the `git pull`        
   --gitinfofile                           Inject version info into each .info  
 --version-control=backup                  Default version_control engine.      
                                           Backup all project files before      
   --no-backup                             Do not perform backups.              
   --backup-dir                            Specify a directory to backup        
                                           projects into. Defaults to           
                                           drush-backups within the home        
                                           directory of the user running the    
                                           command. It is forbidden to specify  
                                           a directory inside your drupal root. 
 --version-control=bzr                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Bazaar.           
   --bzrsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           Bazaar repository and remove deleted 
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --bzrcommit                             Automatically commit changes to      
                                           Bazaar repository. You must also use 
                                           the --bzrsync option.                
     --bzrmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit.    
                                           Project   Command:              
 --version-control=svn                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Subversion.       
   --svnsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           SVN repository and remove deleted    
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --svncommit                             Automatically commit changes to SVN  
                                           repository. You must also using the  
                                           --svnsync option.                    
     --svnmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit:    
   --svnstatusparams                       Add options to the 'svn status'      
   --svnaddparams                          Add options to the `svn add` command 
   --svnremoveparams                       Add options to the `svn remove`      
   --svnrevertparams                       Add options to the `svn revert`      
   --svncommitparams                       Add options to the `svn commit`      

Aliases: dl
Enable one or more extensions (modules or themes). Enable dependant extensions
as well.

 extensions                                A list of modules or themes. You can 
                                           use the * wildcard at the end of     
                                           extension names to enable all        

 --resolve-dependencies                    Attempt to download any missing   
                                           dependencies. At the moment, only 
                                           works when the module name is the 
                                           same as the project name.         
 --skip                                    Skip automatic downloading of     
                                           libraries (c.f. devel).           

Aliases: en
Show detailed info for one or more extensions (modules or themes).

 extensions                                A list of modules or themes. You can 
                                           use the * wildcard at the end of     
                                           extension names to show info for     
                                           multiple matches. If no argument is  
                                           provided it will show info for all   
                                           available extensions.                

Aliases: pmi
Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes).

 --core                                    Filter out extensions that are not   
                                           in drupal core.                      
 --no-core                                 Filter out extensions that are       
                                           provided by drupal core.             
 --package                                 Filter by project packages. You can  
                                           use multiple comma separated values. 
                                           (i.e. --package="Core -              
 --pipe                                    Returns a whitespace delimited list  
                                           of the names of the resulting        
 --status=                       Filter by extension status. Choices: 
                                           enabled, disabled and/or 'not        
                                           installed'. You can use multiple     
                                           comma separated values. (i.e.        
                                           --status="disabled,not installed").  
 --type=                           Filter by extension type. Choices:   
                                           module, theme.                       

Aliases: pml
Refresh update status information.

Aliases: rf
Print release notes for given projects.

 drush rln cck                             Prints the release notes for the    
                                           recommended version of CCK project. 
 drush rln token-1.13                      View release notes of a specfic     
                                           version of the Token project for my 
                                           version of Drupal.                  
 drush rln pathauto zen                    View release notes for the          
                                           recommended version of Pathauto and 
                                           Zen projects.                       

 projects                                  A list of project names, with 
                                           optional version. Defaults to 

 --dev                                     Work with development releases       
 --html                                    Display releasenotes in HTML rather  
                                           than plain text.                     
 --source                                  The base URL which provides project  
                                           release history in XML. Defaults to  

Aliases: rln
View all releases for a given drupal.org project. Useful for deciding which
version to install/update.

 drush pm-releases cck zen                 View releases for cck and Zen     
                                           projects for your Drupal version. 

 projects                                  A list of drupal.org project names. 
                                           Defaults to 'drupal'                

 --dev                                     Work with development releases       
 --source                                  The base URL which provides project  
                                           release history in XML. Defaults to  

Aliases: rl
Uninstall one or more modules.

 modules                                   A list of modules. 

Display available update information for Drupal core and all enabled projects
and allow updating to latest recommended releases. Also apply any database
updates required (same as pm-updatecode + updatedb). Note: The user is asked to
confirm before the actual update. Backups are performed unless directory is
already under version control. Updated projects can potentially break your site.
It is NOT recommended to update production sites without prior testing.

 projects                                  Optional. A list of installed 
                                           projects to update.           

 --cache                                   Cache release XML and tarballs or    
                                           git clones. Git clones use git's     
                                           --reference option.                  
 --check-updatedb                          Check to see if an updatedb is       
                                           needed after updating the code.      
                                           Default is on; use                   
                                           --check-updatedb=0 to disable.       
 --lock=                          Add a persistent lock to remove the  
                                           specified projects from              
                                           consideration during updates.  Locks 
                                           may be removed with the --unlock     
                                           parameter, or overridden by          
                                           specifically naming the project as a 
                                           parameter to pm-update or            
                                           pm-updatecode.  The lock does not    
                                           affect pm-download.  See also the    
                                           update_advanced project for similar  
                                           and improved functionality.          
   --lock-message=                A brief message explaining why a     
                                           project is being locked; displayed   
                                           during pm-updatecode.  Optional.     
   --unlock=                      Remove the persistent lock from the  
                                           specified projects so that they may  
                                           be updated again.                    
 --no-core                                 Only update modules and skip the     
                                           core update.                         
 --notes                                   Show release notes for each project  
                                           to be updated.                       
 --pipe                                    Returns a whitespace delimited list  
                                           of projects with any of its          
                                           extensions enabled and their         
                                           respective version and update        
                                           information, one project per line.   
                                           Order: project name, current         
                                           version, recommended version, update 
 --security-only                           Only update modules that have        
                                           security updates available. However, 
                                           if there were other releases of a    
                                           module between the installed version 
                                           the security update, other changes   
                                           to features or functionality may     
 --package-handler=wget                    Default package_handler engine.      
                                           Download project packages using wget 
                                           or curl.                             
 --package-handler=git_drupalorg           Use git.drupal.org to checkout and   
                                           update projects.                     
   --gitusername                           Your git username as shown on        
                                           user/[uid]/edit/git. Typically, this 
                                           is set this in drushrc.php. Omitting 
                                           this prevents users from pushing     
                                           changes back to git.drupal.org.      
   --gitsubmodule                          Use git submodules for checking out  
                                           new projects. Existing git checkouts 
                                           are unaffected, and will continue to 
                                           (not) use submodules regardless of   
                                           this setting.                        
     --gitsubmoduleaddparams               Add options to the `git submodule    
                                           add` command.                        
   --gitcheckoutparams                     Add options to the `git checkout`    
   --gitcloneparams                        Add options to the `git clone`       
   --gitfetchparams                        Add options to the `git fetch`       
   --gitpullparams                         Add options to the `git pull`        
   --gitinfofile                           Inject version info into each .info  
 --version-control=backup                  Default version_control engine.      
                                           Backup all project files before      
   --no-backup                             Do not perform backups.              
   --backup-dir                            Specify a directory to backup        
                                           projects into. Defaults to           
                                           drush-backups within the home        
                                           directory of the user running the    
                                           command. It is forbidden to specify  
                                           a directory inside your drupal root. 
 --version-control=bzr                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Bazaar.           
   --bzrsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           Bazaar repository and remove deleted 
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --bzrcommit                             Automatically commit changes to      
                                           Bazaar repository. You must also use 
                                           the --bzrsync option.                
     --bzrmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit.    
                                           Project   Command:              
 --version-control=svn                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Subversion.       
   --svnsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           SVN repository and remove deleted    
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --svncommit                             Automatically commit changes to SVN  
                                           repository. You must also using the  
                                           --svnsync option.                    
     --svnmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit:    
   --svnstatusparams                       Add options to the 'svn status'      
   --svnaddparams                          Add options to the `svn add` command 
   --svnremoveparams                       Add options to the `svn remove`      
   --svnrevertparams                       Add options to the `svn revert`      
   --svncommitparams                       Add options to the `svn commit`      

Aliases: up
Display available update information for Drupal core and all enabled projects
and allow updating to latest recommended releases. Note: The user is asked to
confirm before the actual update. Backups are performed unless directory is
already under version control. Updated projects can potentially break your site.
It is NOT recommended to update production sites without prior testing.

 projects                                  Optional. A list of installed 
                                           projects to update.           

 --cache                                   Cache release XML and tarballs or    
                                           git clones. Git clones use git's     
                                           --reference option.                  
 --check-updatedb                          Check to see if an updatedb is       
                                           needed after updating the code.      
                                           Default is on; use                   
                                           --check-updatedb=0 to disable.       
 --lock=                          Add a persistent lock to remove the  
                                           specified projects from              
                                           consideration during updates.  Locks 
                                           may be removed with the --unlock     
                                           parameter, or overridden by          
                                           specifically naming the project as a 
                                           parameter to pm-update or            
                                           pm-updatecode.  The lock does not    
                                           affect pm-download.  See also the    
                                           update_advanced project for similar  
                                           and improved functionality.          
   --lock-message=                A brief message explaining why a     
                                           project is being locked; displayed   
                                           during pm-updatecode.  Optional.     
   --unlock=                      Remove the persistent lock from the  
                                           specified projects so that they may  
                                           be updated again.                    
 --no-core                                 Only update modules and skip the     
                                           core update.                         
 --notes                                   Show release notes for each project  
                                           to be updated.                       
 --pipe                                    Returns a whitespace delimited list  
                                           of projects with any of its          
                                           extensions enabled and their         
                                           respective version and update        
                                           information, one project per line.   
                                           Order: project name, current         
                                           version, recommended version, update 
 --security-only                           Only update modules that have        
                                           security updates available. However, 
                                           if there were other releases of a    
                                           module between the installed version 
                                           the security update, other changes   
                                           to features or functionality may     
 --package-handler=wget                    Default package_handler engine.      
                                           Download project packages using wget 
                                           or curl.                             
 --package-handler=git_drupalorg           Use git.drupal.org to checkout and   
                                           update projects.                     
   --gitusername                           Your git username as shown on        
                                           user/[uid]/edit/git. Typically, this 
                                           is set this in drushrc.php. Omitting 
                                           this prevents users from pushing     
                                           changes back to git.drupal.org.      
   --gitsubmodule                          Use git submodules for checking out  
                                           new projects. Existing git checkouts 
                                           are unaffected, and will continue to 
                                           (not) use submodules regardless of   
                                           this setting.                        
     --gitsubmoduleaddparams               Add options to the `git submodule    
                                           add` command.                        
   --gitcheckoutparams                     Add options to the `git checkout`    
   --gitcloneparams                        Add options to the `git clone`       
   --gitfetchparams                        Add options to the `git fetch`       
   --gitpullparams                         Add options to the `git pull`        
   --gitinfofile                           Inject version info into each .info  
 --version-control=backup                  Default version_control engine.      
                                           Backup all project files before      
   --no-backup                             Do not perform backups.              
   --backup-dir                            Specify a directory to backup        
                                           projects into. Defaults to           
                                           drush-backups within the home        
                                           directory of the user running the    
                                           command. It is forbidden to specify  
                                           a directory inside your drupal root. 
 --version-control=bzr                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Bazaar.           
   --bzrsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           Bazaar repository and remove deleted 
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --bzrcommit                             Automatically commit changes to      
                                           Bazaar repository. You must also use 
                                           the --bzrsync option.                
     --bzrmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit.    
                                           Project   Command:              
 --version-control=svn                     Quickly add/remove/commit your       
                                           project changes to Subversion.       
   --svnsync                               Automatically add new files to the   
                                           SVN repository and remove deleted    
                                           files. Caution.                      
   --svncommit                             Automatically commit changes to SVN  
                                           repository. You must also using the  
                                           --svnsync option.                    
     --svnmessage                          Override default commit message      
                                           which is: Drush automatic commit:    
   --svnstatusparams                       Add options to the 'svn status'      
   --svnaddparams                          Add options to the `svn add` command 
   --svnremoveparams                       Add options to the `svn remove`      
   --svnrevertparams                       Add options to the `svn revert`      
   --svncommitparams                       Add options to the `svn commit`      

Aliases: upc
Open a SQL command-line interface using Drupal's credentials.

 drush sql-cli                             Open a SQL command-line interface   
                                           using Drupal's credentials.         
 drush sql-cli -A                          Open a SQL command-line interface   
                                           using Drupal's credentials and skip 
                                           reading table information.          

 --A                                       Skip reading table information. This 
                                           gives a quicker start of mysql.      
 --db-url=                                         required for initial install - not   

Aliases: sqlc
A string for connecting to the DB.

 `drush sql-connect` < example.sql         Import sql statements from a file 
                                           into the current database.        

 --database=                        The DB connection key if using      
                                           multiple connections in             
 --db-url=                                         required for initial install - not  

Create a database.

 drush sql-create                          Create the database for the current  
 drush @site.test sql-create               Create the database as specified for 
 drush sql-create --db-su=root             Create the database as specified in  
 --db-su-pw=rootpassword                   the db-url option.                   

 --database=                        The DB connection key if using      
                                           multiple connections in             
 --db-su                                   Account to use when creating a new  
                                           database. Optional.                 
 --db-su-pw                                Password for the "db-su" account.   
 --db-url=                                         required for initial install - not  

Drop all tables in a given database.

 --database=                        The DB connection key if using      
                                           multiple connections in             
 --db-url=                                         required for initial install - not  
 --result-file=             Save to a file. The file should be  
                                           relative to Drupal root.            
 --yes                                     Skip confirmation and proceed.      

Exports the Drupal DB as SQL using mysqldump or equivalent.

 drush sql-dump --result-file=../18.sql    Save SQL dump to the directory above 
                                           Drupal root.                         
 drush sql-dump --skip-tables-key=common   Skip standard tables. @see           

 --data-only                               Dump data without statements to      
                                           create any of the schema.            
 --database=                        The DB connection key if using       
                                           multiple connections in              
 --db-url=                                         required for initial install - not   
 --gzip                                    Compress the dump using the gzip     
                                           program which must be in your $PATH. 
 --ordered-dump                            Order by primary key and add line    
                                           breaks for efficient diff in         
                                           revision control. Also, faster       
                                           rsync. Slows down the dump. Mysql    
 --result-file=[/path/to/file]             Save to a file. The file should be   
                                           relative to Drupal root. If          
                                           --result-file is provided with no    
                                           value, then date based filename will 
                                           be created under ~/drush-backups     
 --skip-tables-key                         A key in the $skip_tables array.     
                                           @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.  
 --skip-tables-list                        A comma-separated list of tables to  
                                           exclude completely. Optional.        
 --structure-tables-key                    A key in the $structure_tables       
                                           array. @see example.drushrc.php.     
 --structure-tables-list                   A comma-separated list of tables to  
                                           include for structure, but not data. 
 --tables-key                              A key in the $tables array.          
 --tables-list                             A comma-separated list of tables to  
                                           transfer. Optional.                  

Execute a query against the site database.

 drush sql-query "SELECT * FROM users      Browse user record. Table prefixes, 
 WHERE uid=1"                              if used, must be added to table     
                                           names by hand.                      
 drush sql-query --db-prefix "SELECT *     Browse user record. Table prefixes  
 FROM {users} WHERE uid=1"                 are honored.  Caution: curly-braces 
                                           will be stripped from all portions  
                                           of the query.                       
 `drush sql-connect` < example.sql         Import sql statements from a file   
                                           into the current database.          
 drush sql-query --file=example.sql        Alternate way to import sql         
                                           statements from a file.             

 query                                     An SQL query. Ignored if 'file' is 

 --database=                        The DB connection key if using       
                                           multiple connections in              
 --db-prefix                               Enable replacement of braces in your 
 --db-url=                                         required for initial install - not   
 --extra                                   Add custom options to the mysql      
 --file                                    Path to a file containing the SQL to 
                                           be run.                              
 --result-file=             Save to a file. The file should be   
                                           relative to Drupal root. Optional.   

Aliases: sqlq
Copy and import source database to target database. Transfers via rsync.

 drush sql-sync @prod @dev                 Copy the DB defined in sites/prod to 
                                           the DB in sites/dev.                 

 from                                      Name of subdirectory within /sites 
                                           or a site-alias.                   
 to                                        Name of subdirectory within /sites 
                                           or a site-alias.                   

 --cache                                   Skip dump if result file exists and  
                                           is less than "cache" hours old.      
                                           Optional; default is 24 hours.       
 --create-db                               Create a new database before         
                                           importing the database dump on the   
                                           target machine.                      
 --db-su=                            Account to use when creating a new   
                                           database. Optional.                  
 --db-su-pw=                         Password for the "db-su" account.    
 --dump-dir                                Directory to store sql dump files in 
                                           when --source-dump or --target-dump  
                                           are not used.  Takes precedence over 
 --no-cache                                Do not cache the sql-dump file.      
 --no-dump                                 Do not dump the sql database; always 
                                           use an existing dump file.           
 --no-ordered-dump                         Do not pass --ordered-dump to        
                                           sql-dump.  sql-sync orders the       
                                           dumpfile by default in order to      
                                           increase the efficiency of rsync.    
 --sanitize                                Obscure email addresses and reset    
                                           passwords in the user table          
                                           post-sync. Optional.                 
   --sanitize-password                     The password to assign to all        
                                           accounts in the sanitization         
                                           operation, or "no" to keep passwords 
                                           unchanged.  Default is "password".   
   --sanitize-email                        The pattern for test email addresses 
                                           in the sanitization operation, or    
                                           "no" to keep email addresses         
                                           unchanged.  May contain replacement  
                                           patterns %uid, %mail or %name.       
                                           Default is "user+%uid@localhost".    
   --confirm-sanitizations                 Prompt yes/no after importing the    
                                           database, but before running the     
 --skip-tables-key                         A key in the $skip_tables array.     
                                           @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.  
 --skip-tables-list                        A comma-separated list of tables to  
                                           exclude completely. Optional.        
 --source-database                         A key in the $db_url (D6) or         
                                           $databases (D7+) array which         
                                           provides the data.                   
 --source-db-url                           Database specification for source    
                                           system to dump from.                 
 --source-dump                             Path to dump file. Optional; default 
                                           is to create a temporary file.       
 --source-remote-host                      Remote machine to run sql-dump file  
                                           on. Optional; default is local       
 --source-remote-port                      Override sql database port number in 
                                           source-db-url. Optional.             
 --structure-tables-key                    A key in the $structure_tables       
                                           array. @see example.drushrc.php.     
 --structure-tables-list                   A comma-separated list of tables to  
                                           include for structure, but not data. 
 --tables-key                              A key in the $tables array.          
 --tables-list                             A comma-separated list of tables to  
                                           transfer. Optional.                  
 --target-database                         A key in the $db_url (D6) or         
                                           $databases (D7+) array which shall   
                                           receive the data.                    
 --temp                                    Use a temporary file to hold dump    
                                           files.  Implies --no-cache.          

Add a role to the specified user accounts.

 drush user-add-role "power user" 5,user3  Add the "power user" role to the   
 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal          accounts with name, id, or email 5 
 --mail=billgates@microsoft.com            or user3, uids 2 and 3, names      
                                           someguy and somegal, and email     
                                           address of billgates@microsoft.com 

 role                                      The name of the role to add          
 users                                     (optional) A comma delimited list of 
                                           uids, user names, or email           

 --mail                                    A comma delimited list of user mail  
 --name                                    A comma delimited list of user names 
 --uid                                     A comma delimited list of uids       

Aliases: urol
Block the specified user(s).

 drush user-block 5,user3 --uid=2,3  Block the users with name, id, or    
 --name=someguy,somegal              email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3,      
 --mail=billgates@microsoft.com      names someguy and somegal, and email 
                                     address of billgates@microsoft.com   

 users                                     A comma delimited list of uids, user 
                                           names, or email addresses.           

 --mail                                    A comma delimited list of user mail  
                                           addresses to block                   
 --name                                    A comma delimited list of user names 
                                           to block                             
 --uid                                     A comma delimited list of uids to    

Aliases: ublk
Cancel a user account with the specified name.

 drush user-cancel username                Cancel the user account with the 
                                           name username and anonymize all  
                                           content created by that user.    

 name                                      The name of the account to cancel 

Aliases: ucan
Create a user account with the specified name.

 drush user-create newuser    Create a new user account with the   
 --mail="person@example.com"  name newuser, the email address      
 --password="letmein"         person@example.com, and the password 

 name                                      The name of the account to add 

 --mail                                    The email address for the new    
 --password                                The password for the new account 

Aliases: ucrt
Print information about the specified user(s).

 drush user-information                    Display information about any users  
 2,3,someguy,somegal,billgates@microsoft.  with uids, names, or mail addresses  
 com                                       matching the strings between commas. 

 users                                     A comma delimited list of uids, user 
                                           names, or email addresses.           

 --full                                    show extended information about the 
 --short                                   show basic information about the    
                                           user (this is the default)          

Aliases: uinf
Display a one time login link for the given user account (defaults to uid 1).

 drush user-login ryan node/add/blog       Displays and opens default web       
                                           browser (if configured or detected)  
                                           for a one-time login link for the    
                                           user with the username ryan and      
                                           redirect to the path node/add/blog.  
 drush user-login --browser=firefox        Open firefox web browser, login as   
 --mail=drush@example.org                  the user with the e-mail address     
 admin/settings/performance                drush@example.org and redirect to    
                                           the path admin/settings/performance. 

 user                                      An optional uid, user name, or email 
                                           address for the user to log in as.   
                                           Default is to log in as uid 1. The   
                                           uid/name/mail options take priority  
                                           if specified.                        
 path                                      Optional path to redirect to after   
                                           logging in.                          

 --browser                                 Optional value denotes which browser 
                                           to use (defaults to operating system 
                                           default). Set to 0 to suppress       
                                           opening a browser.                   
 --mail                                    A user mail address to log in as.    
 --name                                    A user name to log in as.            
 --uid                                     A uid to log in as.                  

Aliases: uli
(Re)Set the password for the user account with the specified name.

 drush user-password someuser       Set the password for the username 
 --password="correct horse battery  someuser. @see xkcd.com/936       

 name                                      The name of the account to modify. 

 --password=                          The new password for the account. 

Aliases: upwd
Remove a role from the specified user accounts.

 drush user-remove-role "power user"       Remove the "power user" role from    
 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal  the accounts with name, id, or email 
 --mail=billgates@microsoft.com            5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names      
                                           someguy and somegal, and email       
                                           address of billgates@microsoft.com   

 role                                      The name of the role to remove       
 users                                     (optional) A comma delimited list of 
                                           uids, user names, or email           

 --mail                                    A comma delimited list of user mail  
 --name                                    A comma delimited list of user names 
 --uid                                     A comma delimited list of uids       

Aliases: urrol
Unblock the specified user(s).

 drush user-unblock 5,user3 --uid=2,3  Unblock the users with name, id, or  
 --name=someguy,somegal                email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3,      
 --mail=billgates@microsoft.com        names someguy and somegal, and email 
                                       address of billgates@microsoft.com   

 users                                     A comma delimited list of uids, user 
                                           names, or email addresses.           

 --mail                                    A comma delimited list of user mail  
                                           addresses to unblock                 
 --name                                    A comma delimited list of user names 
                                           to unblock                           
 --uid                                     A comma delimited list of uids to    

Aliases: uublk
Turns a makefile into a Drupal codebase. For a full description of options and
makefile syntax, see docs/make.txt and examples/example.make.

 drush make example.make example           Build the example.make makefile in   
                                           the example directory.               
 drush make --no-core                      Build an installation profile within 
 --contrib-destination=.                   an existing Drupal site              
 drush make                                Build the remote example.make        
 http://example.com/example.make example   makefile in the example directory.   

 makefile                                  Filename of the makefile to use for 
                                           this build.                         
 build path                                The path at which to build the      

 --concurrency=<1>                         Set the number of concurrent         
                                           projects that will be processed at   
                                           the same time. The default is 1.     
 --contrib-destination                     Specify a path under which modules   
                                           and themes should be placed.         
                                           Defaults to sites/all.               
 --dev                                     Work with development releases       
 --download-mechanism                      How to download files. Should be     
                                           autodetected, but this is an         
                                           override if it doesn't work. Options 
                                           are "curl" and "make" (a native      
                                           download method).                    
 --force-complete                          Force a complete build even if       
                                           errors occur.                        
 --ignore-checksums                        Ignore md5 checksums for downloads.  
 --libraries                               Restrict the make to this            
                                           comma-separated list of libraries.   
                                           To specify all libraries, pass *.    
 --make-update-default-url                 The default location to load the XML 
                                           update information from.             
 --md5=[print]                             Output an md5 hash of the current    
                                           build after completion. Use          
                                           --md5=print to print to stdout.      
 --no-cache                                Do not use the pm-download caching   
                                           (defaults to cache enabled).         
 --no-clean                                Leave temporary build directories in 
                                           place instead of cleaning up after   
 --no-core                                 Do not require a Drupal core project 
                                           to be specified.                     
 --no-gitinfofile                          Do not modify .info files when       
                                           cloning from Git.                    
 --no-patch-txt                            Do not write a PATCHES.txt file in   
                                           the directory of each patched        
 --prepare-install                         Prepare the built site for           
                                           installation. Generate a properly    
                                           permissioned settings.php and files  
 --projects                                Restrict the make to this            
                                           comma-separated list of projects. To 
                                           specify all projects, pass *.        
 --source                                  The base URL which provides project  
                                           release history in XML. Defaults to  
 --tar                                     Generate a tar archive of the build. 
                                           The output filename will be [build   
 --test                                    Run a temporary test build and clean 
 --translations                            Retrieve translations for the        
                                           specified comma-separated list of    
                                           language(s) if available for all     
 --version                                 Print the make API version and exit. 
 --working-copy                            Preserves VCS directories, like      
                                           .git, for projects downloaded using  
                                           such methods.                        

Generate a makefile from the current Drupal site, specifying project version
numbers unless not known or otherwise specified. Unversioned projects will be
interpreted later by drush make as "most recent stable release"

 drush generate-makefile example.make      Generate a makefile with ALL         
                                           projects versioned (should a project 
                                           have a known version number)         
 drush generate-makefile example.make      Generate a makefile with NO projects 
 --exclude-versions                        versioned                            
 drush generate-makefile example.make      Generate a makefile with ALL         
 --exclude-versions=drupal,views,cck       projects versioned EXCEPT core,      
                                           Views and CCK                        
 drush generate-makefile example.make      Generate a makefile with NO projects 
 --include-versions=admin_menu,og,ctools   versioned EXCEPT Admin Menu, OG and  
 (--exclude-versions)                      CTools.                              

 --dev                                     Work with development releases       
 --exclude-versions                        Exclude all version numbers (default 
                                           is include all version numbers) or   
                                           optionally specify a list of         
                                           projects to exclude from versioning  
 --include-versions                        Include a specific list of projects, 
                                           while all other projects remain      
                                           unversioned in the makefile (so      
                                           implies --exclude-versions)          
 --source                                  The base URL which provides project  
                                           release history in XML. Defaults to  

Aliases: generate-makefile