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Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
Drush version 10 documentation. Documentation was created with latest source code from GitHub at Sat 19 Dec 2020 03:00:33 AM CET
Drush Commandline Tool 10.3.7-dev Run `drush help [command]` to view command-specific help. Run `drush topic` to read even more documentation. Available commands: _global: browse Display a link to a given path or open link in a browser. config:pull (cpull) Export and transfer config from one environment to another. deploy Run several commands after performing a code deployment. drupal:directory (dd) Return the filesystem path for modules/themes and other key folders. entity:updates (entup) Apply pending entity schema updates. generate (gen) Generate boilerplate code for modules/plugins/services etc. help Display usage details for a command. list List available commands. mk:docs Build a Markdown document for each Drush command thats available on a site. runserver (rs, serve) Runs PHP's built-in http server for development. user:login (uli) Display a one time login link for user ID 1, or another user. version Show Drush version. cache: cache:clear (cc) Clear a specific cache, or all Drupal caches. cache:get (cg) Fetch a cached object and display it. cache:rebuild (cr, Rebuild a Drupal 8 site. rebuild) cache:set (cs) Cache an object expressed in JSON or var_export() format. cache:tags (ct) Invalidate by cache tags. core: core:edit (conf, Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php config) files. core:init (init) Enrich the bash startup file with bash aliases and a smart command prompt. core:rsync (rsync) Rsync Drupal code or files to/from another server using ssh. core:status (status, An overview of the environment - Drush and st) Drupal. core:topic (topic) Read detailed documentation on a given topic. php: php:eval (eval, ev) Evaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal (if available). php:script (scr) Run php a script after a full Drupal bootstrap. pm: pm:security (sec) Check Drupal Composer packages for pending security updates. pm:security-php Check non-Drupal PHP packages for pending (sec-php) security updates. site: site:alias (sa) Show site alias details, or a list of available site aliases. site:alias-convert Convert legacy site alias files to the new yml (sa-convert, sac) format. site:install (si, sin) Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration/profile. site:set (use) Set a site alias that will persist for the current session. site:ssh (ssh) Connect to a Drupal site's server via SSH, and optionally run a shell command. sql: sql:cli (sqlc) Open a SQL command-line interface using Drupal's credentials. sql:connect A string for connecting to the DB. sql:create Create a database. sql:drop Drop all tables in a given database. sql:dump Exports the Drupal DB as SQL using mysqldump or equivalent. sql:query (sqlq) Execute a query against a database. sql:sync Copy DB data from a source site to a target site. Transfers data via rsync. updatedb: updatedb (updb) Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php). updatedb:status List any pending database updates. (updbst)